Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Effective research based strategies Essay Example for Free

Effective research based strategies Essay Reading is an activity closely linked in the person’s ability to keep record. Readers aim to understand the meaning of the written text to enhance his or her knowledge and evaluate the significance of what they had read. Effective way of reading will be achieve by using the research based strategy of summarizing and note taking. This strategy will be a good help for the reader to recognize better the content of what he or she had read. Taking down notes of the unfamiliar words or phrases are useful tactic in reading. Those phrases and words will be a great help in the process of analyzing. Using the note taking strategy such as taking the important part of the text and looking for the meaning of the unfamiliar words will be an easier technique in understanding the flow of the reading assignment. Subsequently, summarizing what was given for a reader to read will be an effective way for him or her to know the useful content of the text. Removing the nonsense content and leaving the main points of the text will result a shorter and straightforward reading task. This will be easier and faster for a reader to evaluate the contents. In summarizing, the reader can also construct ideas in a way he or she can be aware of the same content of the text. One example intended for implementation of effective summarizing and notes taking strategy will be when there was a given assignment to increase a reading conception of a person. First, they should be well instructed on how to summarize the text. Teach them that while reading the content they should know how to remove words, sentences or phrases that doesn’t have much value and idleness, make the unfamiliar words uncomplicated to be known by giving terminologies that are simple to understand, likewise retain all the important points to be aware in the reading assignment, give a sentence that states the min idea of the paragraph. This was usually to be found at or near the beginning of the summary. Mathematics Mathematics as what defined to us is the study of connection between numbers or quantities. This kind of study usually needs of analyzing problems and familiarization of tricky formulas. Some persons are good in numbers and some are not, with this, the strategy in homework and practice will be a good help in learning. Particularly for students, it will be a good manner for them to do often solving problems not only at their schools but also at home. Given practice and home works sets of math problems will help students intimately familiarize their learning at this matter. Practice is one of the perfect ways in learning things because in doing it frequently has the high tendency to retain awareness and improve the performance. Homework in addition will train the students to have a study habit at home and must be in the guidance of their parents. Teachers will also be sure that their students are enforced to study their lessons especially when it was graded. They were sure that studying math problems by their students will be continued at home and not be left at schools only. An example for this will be giving students math problems to be done at home. Homework should fit the time of the students to answer and just to be sure that they will have a practice at home for more familiarity in solving math problems Implement proper instructions on how they have to answer the problems and appropriate recognition for finishing the given homework. Emphasize that they can ask support to someone at home but they should be the one to answer the problems, someone who will help them will only serve as guide for them to learn additional strategies and lessen the difficulties they encounter upon solving. Homework should be presented the next day after it was given to discuss and assess the result. So that if there will be a poor outcome it just imply that students still have to practice more concerning the topic and the teacher will know how to give his or her support to improve the learning system. Social Studies Social studies as we all know is the study that involves the relationship among people, and the environment. It also identifies the challenges and benefits of living in a different cultural and ideological society. Identifying similarities and differences will be an effective strategy to apply in this learning because here the learners will be able to connect ideas and make some patterns in order to construct thoughts on how they view their society. The difference and similarities can be use in societal study because in giving characteristics of that particular thing we have to make some comparisons and then develop system on how to organize such descriptions. Even correlations can still present the similarity of a thing and do some of comparisons by going further than the limited thinking of the learner and this will challenge him or her to much effective way in learning. Knowing the similarity and difference will explore more the thinking of the learner for the topic given and will be able to connect ideas easily. Example on how to execute similarity and differences for social studies will be in giving a topic concerning a particular society and let the learners explore their knowledge on how they can arrive to the similarity and difference of that topic. For the case of the societies before and nowadays, how can they build ideas by expanding their opinions in evaluating the scenarios occurred? Let the learners present all their ideas focusing on the topic then organize them by distinguishing the similar and difference. Thoughts that learners already know will serve as patter for them for create much higher thinking by knowing what they already know to that given topic. Integration of ideas through identifying similarity and difference will be an effective way to learn more in given topic and a good way to increase knowledge. Uses of realistic diagram such as images in comparing will also be effective to better analyze the particular situations and make it easier, this was the new approach on how learners express their ideas in creative manner. Reference: Focus on Effective Research Based Strategies, Retrieved August 16, 2007, http://www. netc. org/focus/strategies/them. php.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

The Line Between Feudalism and Capitalism :: Economics Economical Government Papers

The Line Between Feudalism and Capitalism We consider America to be a capitalist nation, but what exactly makes it capitalist? Webster’s dictionary defines capitalism as an economic system in which investment in and ownership of the means of production, distribution, and exchange of wealth is made and maintained chiefly by private individuals or corporations, especially as contrasted to cooperatively or state owned wealth. Capitalism affects the people in it on a daily basis; it affects the way they live their daily lives. A break down in this, supposedly perfect, economic system may occur resulting in a case of feudalism. This can still be found today even, in America. Feudalism is defined in Webster’s dictionary as a system of political organizations prevailing in Europe from the 9th to 15th centuries having as its basis the relation of lord to vassal with all land held in fee and as chief characteristics homage, the service of tenants under arms and in court, ward ship, and forfeiture. There are define d social differences and similarities between capitalism and feudalism; these differences can be seen when comparing and contrasting the reality-based movies Norma Rae and Matewan. There are many similarities between Norma Rae and Matewan making it hard at times to see which economic system is feudalism and which is capitalism. These similarities cause confusion, even today, in deciding what can be considered feudalism and what can be considered capitalism. This is because in both systems the employers have a significant amount of control over their employees' lives. Both movies are about employees in large factory situations trying to better their working conditions by unionizing the company. Neither the Stone Mountain Coal Company, in Matewan nor the O.P. Henley Textile Mill, in Norma Rae seemed to truly care about the welfare of their employees. For example, in Matewan the coal miners were suffering from the coal dust cutting their lungs. This problem could have been easily alleviated, had the company cared, by providing the employees with masks. Another major problem was the premature explosions in the mine, which were also caused by coal dust and often resulted in death. This problem would have been more difficult to remedy, but it could have been done. The company just didn't care enough about the lives of its workers to spend the money necessary to correct the problem.

Monday, January 13, 2020

Humans vs. Animals on Life and Death

The Death of the Moth by Virginia Woolf described how a life of a moth could be so fragile that like humans and other animals do, the moth also struggled to fight death. She compared how the moth lived its life compared to humans and other animals as well. That even if the moth seems nothing and worthless, its resistance to death is evident. In other words, the significance of death is not only limited to human beings. Animals may not think like humans do, but they are also living and gives effort to live life to the fullest. Animals may not live life like us human beings, but like us, they also have a purpose in living.I believe that all human beings are artists because their lives are creative productions. The basic materials of each person’s artistry are many and varied, for they depend on each person’s uniqueness. One’s basic materials, however, not only include the elements of life, nit also those of death with all its various ramifications, as books, articl es, symposia and discussions open people’s context of death awareness, the question must be asked how much an awareness can help human beings create beautiful lives. This brings us to this question, is the moth aware of its upcoming death. Life and death to all living things is apparent.How long would it take is unknown. When the body dies, there is nothing that remains that can survive. This is a belief that prevents any solution to existential vicissitudes being projected to another life. It asks of each human being the courage to face life’s problems in the here and now, the courage to supply necessary answers and remedies. Happiness is one’s own making not in any heaven â€Å"above the bright blue sky† (to use the words of an old hymn for children). Only God knows the answer to the problems of innocent suffering and that rewards are in heaven for those who tow the party line are seen as an evasion of facing life itself.We must then, I should say, enjo y and value our lives the happiest as we can make it. As Woolf’s story went on, when she sees the moth is turned on its back, she reaches out a pencil to turn it over again, but then she lays the pencil down. This is the realization that even if we try helping other people to fight for life, they already made their own battle against it so we just have to leave it as it is. Woolf obviously tackled the resemblance between the moth’s struggles and the human condition in facing life. We may see it different at large, but with the little and worthless moth’s death, it was very perceptible.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Manipulation In Othello And Dr. Faustus Essay - 3620 Words

The art of deception nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The art of deception many times changes the current conditions or plays a significant role in the end result of literary works. In Othello and The Tragical History of Dr. Faustus shows how deception changes the identity of individuals and the outcome of certain events. There is a juxtaposition between the characters of Iago and Faustus, whom use their human autonomy to manipulate the sequence of events in each work. By deceiving themselves or the characters around them there becomes an absolute play on words and actions, wherein the identity and outcome is strengthened or lost. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Iago wishes to be Othello and this becomes apparent in his discussion regarding†¦show more content†¦Iago submits to his own beliefs he has lost himself, but he chooses to make other believe otherwise in his statements. Greenblatt refers to Iago’s purpose of being of â€Å"self-interest† and his self-interests were disguised by wearing a mask and deceiving the people around him (236). nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Iago at times act as Othello’s friend, but his reasoning are to bring him down socially and emotionally. Othello was befriended by Iago in Act 1, when Iago is leading Brabantio to Othello whom has took his daughter as his wife. Iago states: â€Å"I must show out a flag and sign of love/Which is indeed but sign. That you will surely find him,† where Iago is planning to set Othello up so that Brabantio can accuse him of wrongdoing. Again Iago is deceitful, by saying his love was but a sign and ultimately leading Brabantio to confront Othello on their marriage. Iago’s love here is not real and he acts as if he cares for Othello only to make a criminal out of him. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;In Scene 2 Brabantio is deceived by Iago for the mere fact that Othello is a colored individual, thus strengthening Iago perception of himself. As he belittles Othello and talks of his unacceptable marriage to Desdemona, he understand by doing so he is increasing his chances of being respected by others. The matter is brought up in court and Iago’s plan was working as he had thought, but again Iago is shunned socially becauseShow MoreRelatedManipulation in Othello and Dr. Faustus3703 Words   |  15 Pagesworks. In Othello and The Tragical History of Dr. Faustus shows how deception changes the identity of individuals and the outcome of certain events. There is a juxtaposition between the characters of Iago and Faustus, whom use their human autonomy to manipulate the sequence of events in each work. By deceiving themselves or the characters around them there becomes an absolute play on words and actions, wherein the identity and outcome is strengthened or lost. Iago wishes to be Othello and this becomes